Two Headed Coin | Civil War Tokens | Gold Plated | Civil War Currency | 1943 "Steel Penny" | The prices used in this guide are for premium quality coins and may vary from actual prices if your coins are sold. There are at least three values of a coin, the Price the owner thinks his coin is worth, the Price the Red Book or a Price Guide lists it at and then most important, the Actual Price that you can sell it for to a dealer, buyer or at auction. | Coin Type ↓Click each Headline for detailed Pricing↓ | Dates | Half Cents : Liberty Cap, Head Facing Left (All are rare) | 1793 | Half Cents : Liberty Cap, Head Facing Right (Rare date: 1796) | 1794-1797 | Half Cents : Draped Bust (Rare date: 1802) | 1800-1808 | Half Cents : Classic Head (Rare dates: 1831, 1836) | 1809-1836 | Half Cents : Coronet Type (Rare dates: 1840-1848) | 1840-1857 | Large Cents : Flowing Hair, Chain Reverse (All are rare) | 1793 | Large Cents : Flowing Hair, Wreath Reverse (All are rare) | 1793 | Large Cents : Liberty Cap (Rare date: 1793) | 1793-1796 | Large Cents : Draped Bust (Rare dates: 1799, 1804) | 1796-1807 | Large Cents : Classic Head (No rare dates) | 1808-1814 | Large Cents : Matron Head (Scarce date: 1823) | 1816-1835 | Large Cents : Young Head (No rare dates) | 1835-1857 | Flying Eagle Cents : Flying Eagle (Rare date: 1856) | 1856-1858 | Indian Cents (Rare dates: 1877, 1909-S; Scarce dates: All 1859-1879, 1908-S) | 1859-1909 | Lincoln Cents : Wheat Ear Reverse (Rare dates: 1909-S, 1909-S V.D.B., 1914-D, 1922, 1931-S, 1955 Doubled Date; Scarce dates: 1910-S, 1911-S, 1912-S, 1913-S, 1914-S, 1915-S, 1922-D, 1922-D, 1924-D) | 1909-1958 | Lincoln Cents : Steel w/Zinc Plating (Very common -- sticks to a magnet) | 1943 | Lincoln Cents : 1943 Copper (All are rare -- won't stick to a magnet) | 1943 | Lincoln Cents : Lincoln Memorial Reverse (Rare date: 1972 Doubled Date) | 1959-Present | Two Cent Pieces (Rare date: 1873; Scarce date: 1872) | 1864-1873 | Three Cent Silver (Rare dates: 1863-1873) | 1851-1873 | Three Cent Nickels (Rare dates: 1877, 1878, 1883-1887; Scarce dates: 1879, 1880, 1882, 1888, 1889) | 1865-1889 | Shield Nickels (Rare dates: 1877-1881) | 1866-1883 | Liberty Nickels (Rare dates: 1885,1886,1912-S) | 1883-1912 | Buffalo Nickels (Rare dates: 1913-S, 1916 Doubled Date, 1937-D 3-Leg Buffalo; Scarce dates: 1913-1921, 1924-D, 1924-S, 1925-D, 1925-S, 1926-D, 1926-S, 1931-S) | 1913-1938 | Jefferson Nickels : War Time Alloy | 1942-1945 | Jefferson Nickels (Scarce dates: 1938-D, 1938-S, 1939-D, 1939-S, 1950-D) | 1938-1964 | Jefferson Nickels | 1964-Present | Early Half Dimes : Flowing Hair (All are rare) | 1794-1795 | Bust Half Dimes : Draped Bust, Small Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1796-1797 | Bust Half Dimes : Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (Rare date: 1802) | 1800-1805 | Bust Half Dimes : Capped Bust (No rare dates) | 1829-1837 | Seated Half Dimes (Rare dates: 1846, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867; Many scarce dates) | 1837-1873 | Bust Dimes : Draped Bust, Small Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1796-1797 | Bust Dimes : Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1798-1807 | Bust Dimes : Capped Bust (Rare date: 1822) | 1809-1837 | Seated Dimes (Rare dates: 1844, 1860-O, 1863, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1870-S, 1871-CC, 1872-CC, 1873-CC, 1874-CC, 1879-1881, 1885-S; Many scarce dates) | 1837-1891 | Barber Dimes (Rare dates: 1894-S, 1895-O; Scarce dates: 1892-S, 1893-O, 1894-O, 1895, 1895-S, 1896-O, 1896-S, 1897-O, 1901-S, 1903-S, 1904-S, 1913-S) | 1892-1916 | Mercury Dimes (Rare dates: 1916-D; Scarce dates: 1921, 1921-D, 1926-S, 1931-D,1931-S) | 1916-1945 | Roosevelt Dimes : Silver (No rare dates) | 1946-1964 | Roosevelt Dimes : Clad (No rare dates) | 1965-Present | Twenty Cent Pieces (Rare dates: 1876-CC,1877,1878) | 1875-1878 | Bust Quarters : Draped Bust, Small Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1796 | Bust Quarters : Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (Rare date: 1804) | 1804-1807 | Bust Quarters : Capped Bust (Rare dates: 1823,1827) | 1815-1838 | Seated Quarters (Rare dates: 1849-O, 1860-S, 1864-S, 1866-1869, 1870-CC, 1871-CC, 1871-S, 1872-CC, 1872-S, 1873-CC, 1879-1889; Many scarce dates) | 1838-1891 | Barber Quarters (Rare dates: 1896-S, 1901-S, 1913-S; Scarce dates: 1892-S, 1897-O, 1899-S, 1901-O, 1902-S, 1903-S, 1908-S, 1909-O, 1913, 1914-S) | 1892-1916 | Standing Liberty Quarters (Rare dates: 1916, 1923-S; Scarce dates: 1917-1924) | 1916-1930 | Washington Quarters : Silver (Scarce dates: 1932-D, 1932-S) | 1932-1964 | Washington Quarters : Clad (No rare dates) | 1965-1998 | Washington Quarters : Bicentennial (Dated 1776-1976) (Common date) | 1975-1976 | State Quarters (Dated 1999-2010) | 1999-2010 | Early Half Dollars : Flowing Hair (All are rare) | 1794-1795 | Bust Half Dollars : Draped Bust, Small Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1796-1797 | Bust Half Dollars : Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (All are scarce) | 1801-1807 | Bust Half Dollars : Capped Bust (Rare dates: 1815; Scarce dates: 1807-1817) | 1807-1836 | Reeded Edge Half Dollars : Reeded Edge (Rare dates: 1836, 1839-O) | 1836-1839 | Seated Half Dollars (Rare dates: 1850, 1851, 1852, 1855-S, 1870-CC, 1871-CC, 1874-CC, 1878-CC, 1878-S, 1879-1890; Many scarce dates) | 1839-1891 | Barber Half Dollars (Rare dates: 1892-O, 1892-S, 1893-S, 1896-S, 1897-O, 1897-S; Scarce dates: 1892-1899, 1901-S, 1904-S, 1913, 1914, 1915) | 1892-1915 | Walking Liberty Half Dollars (Rare dates: 1916-S, 1921, 1921-D; Scarce dates: 1916-1933, 1938-D) | 1916-1947 | Franklin Half Dollars (No rare dates) | 1948-1963 | Kennedy Half Dollars : Silver (Common date) | 1964 | Kennedy Half Dollars : Silver Clad (No rare dates) | 1965-1969 | Kennedy Half Dollars : Bicentennial (Dated 1776-1976) (Common date) | 1975-1976 | Kennedy Half Dollars | 1971-Present | Early Dollars : Flowing Hair (All are rare) | 1794-1795 | Bust Dollars : Draped Bust, Small Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1795-1798 | Bust Dollars : Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (All are rare) | 1798-1803 | Bust Dollars : 1804 Draped Bust, Heraldic Eagle Reverse (Extremely rare; Many modern copies exist) | 1804 | Gobrecht Dollars (All are rare) | 1836-1839 | Seated Dollars (Rare dates: 1851, 1852, 1854, 1855, 1858, 1870-S, 1871-CC, 1872-CC, 1873-CC; Scarce dates: 1848, 1850, 1861, 1862, 1872-S) | 1840-1873 | Trade Dollars (Rare dates: 1878-1885; Scarce dates: 1873-CC, 1875, 1877-CC, 1878-CC) | 1873-1885 | Morgan Dollars (Rare dates: 1885-CC, 1889-CC, 1893-S, 1894, 1895, 1895-S, 1903-O; Scarce dates: Any "CC" mint coin, 1893, 1893-O, 1895-O) | 1878-1921 | Peace Dollars (Rare date: 1928; Scarce date: 1921) | 1921-1935 | Eisenhower Dollars (No rare dates) | 1971-1978 | Susan B. Anthony Dollars (No rare dates) | 1979-1999 | Sacagawea Dollars (No rare dates) | 2000-Present | Presidential Dollars (No rare dates) | 2007-Present | Gold Dollars : Liberty Head w/stars on front (Rare Dates: Any "C" mint, Any "D" mint; Scarce Dates: 1850-O, 1854-S) | 1849-1854 | Gold Dollars : Small Liberty Head w/motto on front (Rare dates: 1855-C, 1855-D; Scarce dates: 1855-O, 1855-S) | 1854-1856 | Gold Dollars : Large Liberty Head w/motto on front (Rare dates: Any "C" mint, Any "D" mint, 1875; Scarce dates: 1857-S, 1858-S, 1859-S, 1860-S, 1863-1870, 1876) | 1856-1889 | Early Quarter Eagles : Draped Bust Facing Right (All dates are rare) | 1796-1807 | Early Quarter Eagles : Capped Bust Facing Left (All are rare) | 1808 | Early Quarter Eagles : Capped Head Facing Left (All are rare) | 1821-1834 | Classic Quarter Eagles (Rare dates: 1838-C, 1839-C, 1839-D, 1839-O) | 1834-1839 | Liberty Quarter Eagles : Coronet (Rare Dates: Any "C" or "D" mint coins, 1841, 1848 with "CAL" punched on reverse, 1854-S, 1864, 1865, 1875, 1881; Scarce Dates: 1842, 1845-O, 1848, 1862-S, 1863-S, 1866, 1867, 1872, 1877, 1885) | 1840-1907 | Indian Quarter Eagles (Rare dates: 1854-D, 1881-1886; Scarce dates: 1854-O, 1855-S, 1857-S, 1858, 1860-S, 1861-1869, 1877) | 1908-1929 | Three Dollar Gold Pieces (All are rare) | 1854-1889 | Four Dollar Gold Pieces (All are rare) | 1879-1880 | Early Half Eagles : Draped Bust Right, Small Eagle (All are rare) | 1795-1798 | Early Half Eagles : Draped Bust Right, Heraldic Eagle (All are rare) | 1795-1807 | Early Half Eagles : Capped Bust Large (All are rare) | 1807-1812 | Early Half Eagles : Capped Bust Small (All are rare) | 1813-1834 | Classic Half Eagles (Rare dates: 1838-C,1838-D) | 1834-1838 | Liberty Half Eagles : Coronet (Rare dates: Any "C" mint, Any "D" mint, 1847-O, 1859-S, 1861-S, 1862-1872, 1873-CC, 1875, 1875-CC, 1876, 1876-CC, 1876-S, 1877, 1877-CC, 1878-CC; Scarce dates: Any "CC" mint not mentioned above, many other dates 1839-1879) | 1839-1908 | Indian Half Eagles (Rare dates: 1909-O,1929) | 1908-1929 | Early Eagles : Capped Bust Right, Small Eagle (All are rare) | 1795-1797 | Early Eagles : Capped Bust Right, Heraldic Eagle (All are rare) | 1797-1804 | Liberty Eagles : Coronet (Rare dates: 1838, 1839, 1841-O, 1855-S, 1858, 1858-S, 1859-O, 1859-S, 1860-S, 1861-S, 1862-1873, 1875-1877, 1878-CC, 1879-CC, 1879-O, 1883-O; Scarace dates: Any "CC" mint not mentioned above, many other dates 1838-1879) | 1838-1907 | Indian Head Eagles: (rare dates: 1920-S, 1930-S, and 1933; Scarce dates: 1908-S, 1911-D, 1911-S, 1913-S) | 1907-1933 | Liberty Double Eagles (Rare dates: 1854-O, 1855-O, 1856-O, 1859-O, 1860-O, 1861-O, 1861-S, 1866-S, 1870-CC, 1871-CC, 1879-O, 1881, 1882, 1885, 1886, 1891, 1891-CC; Scarce dates: Any "CC" mint not mentioned above, many other dates 1849-1876) | 1850-1907 | Saint-Gaudens Double Eagles (Rare dates: 1907 High Relief, 1920-S, 1921, 1925-D, 1925-S, 1926-D, 1927-D, 1927-S, 1929, 1930-S, 1931, 1931-D, 1932; Scarce dates: 1908-S, 1909-D, 1913-S, 1922-S, 1924-D, 1924-S, 1926-S) | 1907-1933 | Silver Commemoratives (Many different types exist, many are scarce) | 1892-1954 | Gold Commemoratives (All are scarce) | 1903-1926 | Modern Commemorative: (Many different types, both gold and silver. Scarce dates: 1996 Olympic Dollars (four varieties), National Community Service Dollar, Jackie Robinson $5, all uncirculated only; 2000-W Library of Congress $10, uncirculated or proof) | 1982-Present | Modern Gold Commemoratives | 1984-Present | Silver American Eagle: (scarce dates:1986, 1996 uncirculated; 1988-S, 1993-P, 1994-P, 1995-P, 1997-P Proof. Rare date: 1995-W Proof) | 1986-Present | Gold American Eagle: (1 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz. Generally worth their bullion value) | 1986-Present | Platinum American Eagles: (1 oz, 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/10 oz. Generally worth their bullion value) | 1997-Present | Gold Buffalos | 2006-Present | Proof | | | Regards Lunkhopao Haokip Managing Director, United Khulmi Export Import Pvt. Ltd. Survey Ajanta Path, Byeland No. 3, House No. 26, Dispur 781 028, Guwahati, Assam, India Contact No. +91-9954648512, 9682496049
--- On Fri, 19/2/10, News Alert wrote: From: News Alert Subject: News Alert: American Evan Lysacek Takes Gold in Men's Figure Skating To: lunkhopaohaokip@YAHOO.CO.IN Date: Friday, 19 February, 2010, 5:16 AM
Breaking News Alert The New York Times Fri, February 19, 2010 -- 12:15 AM ET ----- American Evan Lysacek Takes Gold in Men's Figure Skating With a near-perfect performance, Evan Lysacek became the first American to win gold in men's figure skating since 1988. Russia's Yevgeny Plushenko, who entered the competition as the favorite, took silver and Daisuke Takahashi of Japan won the bronze. Read More: Now get New York Times breaking news alerts sent to your mobile phone. Sign up by texting NEWSALERTS to 698698 (NYTNYT). ----- About This E-Mail You received this message because you are signed up to receive breaking news alerts from To unsubscribe, change your e-mail address or to sign up for daily headlines or other newsletters, go to: 620 Eighth Ave. New York, NY 10018 Copyright 2010 The New York Times Company
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